International Business Visas

Planning to visit UAE, either you live in UAE and need to travel abroad – you might require obtaining a tourist/business visa for yourself. Bizzmosis can assist along the way, so you can have peace of mind.


UAE tourist visas


International business
visas processed

Tourist Visas

can be extended for
30 days twice, without
the need to leave the

Israeli tourists
allowed in UAE

UAE has attracted 50,000
Israeli tourists since
Abraham Accord

An international visa is required when travelling abroad. A visa grants you permission to enter the country for a certain period of time and for a specific purpose. Each country has its own visa requirements, but the basic application procedure is generally the same.

A visa is an official stamp in your passport authorizing you to travel, work or study in that country for a specified period of time.

Visa processing can take several days for some countries to months for others. It is important to plan time in for visa processing, that’s why it is advisable to start the process in advance.

Each country usually has a multitude of visa categories with various names.
The most common types and names of visas are:

  • Business Travel Visa
  • Travel/Tourist Visa
  • Special Purpose Travel Visa
  • Inbound UAE Tourist/Business Visa

Our dedicated experts show an excellent track record in dealing with all types of International Business Visas.

Business Travel Visa

A business visa allows the holder to enter the host country and engage in business activities without joining the labour market in that country. One can apply for a business visa if he/she decides to travel to a country to engage in business activities with another company or if attending a business event/conference.

Travel/Tourist Visa

Travel/Tourist visa allow the bearer to enter a foreign country only for tourist and leisure purposes and to remain for a predetermined period of time. These visas do not entitle the holder to work or engage in commercial activities in the host country.

Special Purpose Travel Visa

Visas for special travel purposes can be of 4 types:

  • Student Visa – A student visa is a type of non-immigrant visa that allows the holder to enroll in a post-secondary educational institution in the host country.
  • Transit Visa – Travelers may sometimes require transit visas to pass through a country that is not their destination country. Transit visas are usually required if you have a stopover in a country for more than a few hours.
    The validity of transit visas is usually limited by short terms, such as several hours to ten days depending on the size of the country or the circumstances of a particular transit itinerary.
  • eVisa – An electronic visa is a digital visa that is stored in a database rather than stamped or glued into the bearer’s passport.
Inbound UAE Tourist/Business Visa
  • Business Visa – A business visa is part of the Golden Visa system under which foreigners can obtain a long-term visa for themselves and their dependents. An eligible entrepreneur is anyone who wants to set up a business in the UAE.
  • Travel/Tourist visa – Tourist visas to the UAE can be issued for 30 days or 90 days for single or multiple entries for those who are not eligible for a visa upon arrival or visa-free entry into the UAE. Subsequently, tourist visas can be extended without the need to leave the country.
  • Student Visa – A student’s visa is for a university or a college student studying in the UAE. The student must be at least 18 years of age.

A student visa is given for a duration of one year and renewable for a similar period.

Living and working in the UAE and need to apply for a SCHENGEN visa for a Business Trip? 🧳

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